Monday, July 27, 2009

Thank you!

I know I have said before how thankful I am for all the cards, emails, hugs and such. It really amazes me how many people are praying for us.
There is one person who means so much to me and has been such a HUGE support during all of this.
Tim, you mean the world to me and I couldn't have made it without you. You have taken on so much the last few weeks. All the while experiencing grief and sadness of your own. Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Thank you for just being there to listen when I am so frustrated and angry. Thank you for the prayers you pray for our family. Thank you for knowing when I am feeling down before I even say anything. Thank you for all the little things you do to make me feel better. Thank you for giving me reassurance sometimes several times a day, even when I just heard it five minutes ago. Thank you for being willing to drop everything at any minute if I need you. You amaze me everyday with your faith and strength. I am so glad you are with me through this. I am grateful that our children get to see your faith and I pray that one day they will have a faith just as strong as yours.
I am amazed at how this has brought us so much closer together and to God. I pray that we will continue to look to each other and to God. I love you so much! I look forward to what God has in store for our future.

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