Monday, October 12, 2009

Christian Works for Children

Saturday night we had the priviledge of attending the Christian Works for Children dinner and auction.  Since the death of Ethan we have been seeing a counselor the Counseling Works program.  We were asked to share our story on video to be used by the organization.  So we met with the production company and shared our story only two months after it all happened.  Part of the video was shown at the dinner.  First, the camera adds more than 10 pounds and makes me sound so weird.  Second, Tim did most of the talking but for the video, they picked out everything I said!  How embarrassing!  I knew what was coming, but didn't really prepare myself for the emotions that would be involved.  It was difficult but, worth it.  I hope that someone one day will see the video and seek help.  After the video there was a speaker I had never heard of, but she will forever be with me now.  Pam Cope had her own video of her experiences after losing her 15 year old son suddenly from a heart defect.  She talked about her feelings soon after his death and she nailed my feelings dead on.  I think at one point I leaned over to Kristina and got onto  her for not warning me about this.  Pam and her husband have started the Touch a Life foundation to help rescue children.  She has been on Oprah and other news shows I'm sure.  She wrote a book called Jantsen's Gift.  I got my very own autographed copy!  She signed it in memory of Ethan.  When we walked to the table where she had her books she recognized us from the video and immediately gave me a big hug and let me cry...yes, I cried on a complete strangers shoulder!  She said she had seen the pre production video and knew how much I was hurting.    I am excited to read her book and hopefully find more hope and understanding for the emotions that I am exeriencing.  It was a great night for an organization that has been there for us and many other families.  They minister to families who have experienced deaths, those wanting to adopt, and women who have chosen to give their baby up for adoption.  There were so many good things at the auction.  We didn't get a lot of what we wanted, people kept outbidding us!  I did get a basket of Pampered Chef goodies and a chocolate chip pound cake that was enjoyed by all Sunday at our class potluck.  Tim got a the dice game Perudo. 
Thanks Kristina for helping us get there!  Thanks also for the fun company and the interesting ride home.


  1. ride home!! HA!! Sorry about that!!!

    I'm so glad you were there! I wasnt 100% sure about Pam speaking, but am SO glad that she did. WE were all blessed by you guys in the video...I only hope that in time you can KNOW that the blessings will be numerous.

    We love you and LOVED spending that time w/ you guys!! Wanna come paint a hutch?

  2. Oh Leah, I think you did an excellent job on the video, and I know it will be helpful to others. I had tears rolling down my face the whole time, as well as Sara and Courtney, who were at my table. You're so strong and you help people who aren't even struggling with the same me.

    I too, loved Pam! I think she hit the nail on the head about what God calls us to do. We need to take care of each other and the children in any way we can.

    Glad you got your Pampered Chef basket. :)
